Shawn Rene’s Health & Fitness Heart Power!

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JOY = Health & Strength Inside & Out!
Proverbs17:22 “Being cheerful keeps you healthy! It is slow death to be gloomy.”
Joy Boost Your Immune System & those around You!

Live ur Purpose so Passionately it becomes contagious! See, Be & Share the message!
– Shawn Rene ♥♬★♥


Make my Shawn Rene Fitness Valentines Pancake:7 egg whites 1 egg, 1/2 cup oats, 1/2 cup Strawberries, 1/2 Bannna, Blend in Blender, pour into Pan w/ little Extra Virgin Olive Oil, While cooking decorate with 1/4 cup of Bright Red Raspberries! Cut pancake into Heart! Give to your Loved ones & Family! ♥ Spreading Love & Health & Fitness!


Shawn Rene Happy Valentines Heart Healthy Dinner! Wild Salmon #1 Superior Fish packed with Heart Healthy Omega 3’s! Saute’ fresh veggies in extra virgin olive oil & fresh Garlic (Cardiovascular Health!) Serve with Brown rice cooked in Heart Healthy Organic Coconut Milk!
Strengthening your Fitness & Heart Inside & Out!

Shawn Rene Heart Healthy Fitness Chocolate Mousse’! 1 cup Greek Yogurt, 2 scoops of High Quality low carb low fat Chocolate (Antioxident Heart Healthy)Protein Powder, 1/4 cup of Fresh Strawberries, 1/4 cup Fresh or Frozen Raspberries, Whipp ingredients & Enjoy!

Shawn Rene Heart Healthy Vitamin Tip! Make sure you & your loved ones are taking CoQ10 Powerful Coenzyme which STRENGTHENS your heart!

Shawn Rene Health & Fitness Tropcial Cooking! Try my Tropical Coconut steamed Zucchini! Steam Zucchini w/ 1tbs organic coconut oil! Immune system boosting, Skin Illuminator, Health & Fitness Tropicalicious!;)

Your Heart is a Muscle Strengthen it! Antioxidants protect muscle proteins fr free-radical damage that leads to muscle fatigue. ENJOY Acai, pomegranates, raspberries & blueberries!

Shawn Rene Heart Healthy Tip! Drink Green Tea containing Powerful Antioxidents Strengthening Heart! Drink several glasses throughout the day to keep your energy high & antioxidents pumping! Perform Weight Training, Plyometrics, Speed Agility, Cardio & Body Relaxing Deep Breathing Yoga to keep your Heart Strong & Healthy!

Shawn Rene eart Healthy Eating:  Enjoy Red Delicious Watermelon! Watermelon rich in l-citrulline, amino acid increases blood flow. L-citrulline supports body in optimizing blood flow through its conversion to L-arginine & then nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is involved in vasodilatation (dilation of the blood vessels). Low levels are associated with mental & physical fatigue. Eat Watermellon with a high quality low carb/low fat Protein Shake pre work out wonderful energy bonus & Health & Fitness Energizing snack!

Enjoy Heart Healthy  Cherries Cherrio’! Use fresh Antioxident
Rich Heart Protecting Cherries in ur Protein packed 3-7 Egg white omlet w/ 1 cup spinach for a sweet antioxident power & iron pumpin bonus!

Shawn Rene Heart Healthy Hotaclicious Speed & Agility Work out! Strengthen your Heart! 🙂 Shawn Rene Sprinting Lunges 60 sec back, 60 sec front, Shawn Rene Speed Lateral Spinting Lunge w/ High Kick to Back 60 sec, Squat Jumps 30 sec, Shawn Rene Ballet Abdominal Jump Ups 60 sec, Shawn Rene Gymnastics Abs w/ Leg flair out 30 sec, 30 min Jog & Sprints outside in SUN (Vitamin D Strengthenes Heart & Increases absorption of Calcium! Shawn Rene *Strengthening Your Heart! 🙂
Spread Love Joy Peace Health & Strength to all those around you! Let them all know how much you appreciate them in your Life! 🙂
Shawn Rene Valentines Heart Healthy Work Out Tip!: Internval Training Strengthens your heart! Increasing the Oxygen consmption into your lungs & cells & increaing your metabolic rate, Muscle Tone & Circulation!

Shawn Rene Valentines Healthy Fitness Treat! 1/4 cup Salt Free Almonds & melt Organic Dark Chocolate Antioxident on top! Serve with 1/2 cup fat free Greek Yogurt & Fresh Raspberries & Blueberrys! Enjoy your Valentines Antioxident Heart Healthy Treat!

Powerful women & men are dreamers goal-setters visionaries & can clearly see their vision miles ahead!
Strengthen your Heart Strengthen Your Body Strengthen Your Life Inside & Out! 🙂
Educating, Motivating & Bringing Out the Best In You!

Dream Believe See it Do it Love it! – Shawn Rene 🙂
