International Sports Medicine Association Convention
I attended the yearly International Sports Medicine Association Convention September 29-30 in Baltimore, Maryland. I am very passionate in Health & Fitness, I have my BA in Exercise Science & hold a double Certification in Sports Medicine, one by the National Academy of Sports Medicine & other by the International Sports Medicine Association. I took part in the intensive two days of 16 hrs of Sports Medicine Yoga Training. It was extra special as i grew up in a Fitness Family & my mother did the Yoga Convention with me! As well as being a Cover Model, TV Fitness Model, Celebrity Health Fitness Expert, Celebrity Trainer, I also enjoy teaching Yoga & creating unique Fitness classes. I teach Fitness Class i designed called, “The Skinny Jeans Workout” which is a combination of innovative unique exercises that i created to have you look & feel your absolute best in your Skinny Jeans! My Skinny Jeans Fitness Class is combo of Weight Training, Classical Ballet, Pilates, Yoga, Speed, Agility. I also teach Dance, Weight Training, & Cross Fusion – another Fitness class i created done on the Track & Football Field combo of my favorite major conditioning total body, abs, sprint, speed, agility, plyometric, on the Track & Football field, NFL & Olympic Style. I am very passionate in Health, Fitness, Exercise Science, Sports, Sports Medicine & Yoga. My passion is to make others feel Happier, Healthier on inside & out! Working out is revitalizing for the Mind, Body & Soul. I want everyone who trains with me to feel Revitalized Electrified & Refreshed! The harder you train the more essential injury prevention techniques need to come into play. Yoga is excellent for muscle recovery, muscle relaxation, de stressing & invigorating the body! I really enjoyed taking part in the convention!